Question ou problème de développement :
I’m trying to use the vector patterns in my android application. Tiré de (c’est moi qui souligne) :
Utilisez ce dessin :
et ce ImageView :
Crée cette image floue en essayant d’afficher une icône sur un 400dp (sur un appareil mobile de haute altitude vers 2015 fonctionnant en mode sucette) :
The fact of modifying the width and height of the definition of the rendu vectoriel à 200dp brings a significant improvement with a waist of rendu of 400dp. However, if you define this element as the image of the TextView element (i.e. the icon on the left-hand side of the text), a large icon is now being created.
Knife questions :
1) Pourquoi existe-t-il une spécification largeur/hauteur pour les graphiques vectoriels ? I think that the but was that they are farmers and are reduced without pertinence, so that the large and the high should be insignificant in their definition?
2) Est-il possible d’utiliser un seul moteur de rendu vectoriel qui fonctionne comme un moteur de rendu 24dp sur TextView, mais qui s’adapte aussi bien aux grandes images ? For example, how can you avoid creating several different waist vectors and use one that adapts to my needs?
3) How to make efficient use of the large/haute attributes and what is the difference with viewportWidth/Height?
Plus the details :
Comment puis-je résoudre ce problème ?
Solution n° 1 :
There’s an update on this topic here:
It is so auspicious that the use of
android:scaleType=fitXY can be used to adjust the calibration on Lollipop.
Von einem Google-Ingenieur:
Hello, please let me know if you have scaleType=’fitXY’ a workaround for you in
to weld out the shield.
Marshmallow vs. Lollipop has been brought back to the special treatment of Marshmallow
, which was given to the Marshmallow.
Also for your benefit: That’s rich storytelling: Der
-Vektorzug sollte ohne Qualitätsverlust skalieren. If we want to use the
Asset in three different ways, we have to duplicate the
vector_drawable.xml data in three cases with different sizes. ”
I agree that it should be full and fair, but the reality is that the
Android-Plattform has such a number of problems that we have not yet achieved the
world. It is therefore really advisable to use 3 different
vector_drawable.xml in order to achieve the best results, if you are sure that
should say 3 different sizes at the same time on the Bildschirm.
The technical detail is that we use the bitmap under the
Hook in order to achieve a more complex rendering process between the two, so that we can achieve a better performance of the
-Redrawing on the same level as the bitmap-Redrawing, which can be rendered.
Solution No 2:
Warum gibt es bei Vektorgrafiken eine Breiten-/Höhenangabe? I think it is important that they are free to eat and drink so that width and height are not affected in their definition?
For SDK versions smaller than 21 for which the Build-System Pixmaps must be produced, and as a standard size in files in which you do not specify a width/height.
2. Is it possible to use a special shield which functions as a 24dp-screen on TextView and a large shield in the immediate vicinity of the mouth?
I do not believe that this is possible if you also have to view the SDK under 21.
3) Who can effectively use the Attribute Width/Height and what is the difference between it and viewportWidth/Height?
Documentation: (not really very necessary, now when I read them again)
will be pampered, to define the internal width of the Musters. This supports all measures that are normally offered in dp.
shall be used to define the inner height of the display. This supports all measures that are normally offered in dp.
android:viewportWidth of the picture window
is used to define the width of the picture window. In essence, the light window is a virtuoso Leinwand, which can be seen on the screen.
is used to define the height of the area of interest. An observation window is a virtual Leinwand in essence, to be shown on the fax machine.
Weitere Dokumentation:
Android 4.4 (API-Level 20) und darunter unterstützt kein Vektor-Rendering. If your minimum API tool is set up on one of these components, Vector Asset Studio Gradle should also be able to use it to generate grid images of vector tenders on the basis of their compatibility with the market. You can create Vektor-Assets Drawable in Java-Code or @drawable in XML-Code; when you carry out the application, the corresponding Vektor- or Rasterbild will automatically be shown to you at API level.
Editing: Irgendetwas Seltsames geht here before. Here are my findings in SDK-Emulator Version 23 (das Lollipop+ Testgerät ist nuzt tot…):
Und im Emulator SDK Version 21:
Solution No 3:
AppCompatible 23.2 provides sector reservations for all devices with Android 2.1 and above. Bilder are scaled correctly, independent of the width/height, which is included in the XML-data of the Vektor-Renderer. In the lead, this implementation of API Level 21 will no longer be spoiled (to the benefit of national implementation).
The good idea is that we can use AppCompatible for this purpose and apply its implementation to API Schedules 21 and 22.
The bad news is that you have to use a reflex.
Make sure that you use the new version of AppCompatible and that you have initiated the new sector implementation:
android {
defaultConfig {
vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true
Abhängigkeiten {
compile ‘’
Rufen Sie dann useCompatVectorIfNeeded(); in Ihrer Anwendung onCreate() auf:
private void useCompatVectorIfNeeded() {
int sdkInt = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
if (sdkInt == 21 ||| sdkInt == 22) { //Vektor-Drawables skaliers correct in API-Level 23
try {
AppCompatDrawableManager drawableManager = AppCompatDrawableManager.get();
Class inflateDelegateClass = Class.forName($InflateDelegate);
Class vdcInflateDelegateClass = Class.forName($VdcInflateDelegate);
Constructor = vdcInflateDelegateClass.getDeclaredConstructor();
Object vdcInflateDelegate = constructor.newInstance();
Class args[] = {String.class, inflateDelegateClass};addDelegate method = AppCompatDrawableManager.class.getDeclaredMethod(addDelegate, args);addDelegate.setAccessible(true);addDelegate.invoke(drawableManager, vector, vdcInflateDelegate);} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (InstantiationException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (InstantiationException e);}}.
Please make sure that you use app:srcCompatible anstelle von android:src to set up the ImageView-Bild:
Vektorzeichnungen sollten nun korrekt skaliert werden!
Solution No 4:
Warum gibt es bei Vektorgrafiken eine Breiten-/Höhenangabe? I think it is important that they are free to eat and drink so that width and height are not affected in their definition?
This is only the standard sector size, if you do not define it in terms of layout. (d. h. you use the contents of the Wrappers for the height and width of the
2. Is it possible to use a special shield which functions as a 24dp-screen on TextView and a large shield in the immediate vicinity of the mouth?
Yes, it is possible, and I didn’t have a problem changing the size to
as long as the award winning device is with lipstick or high. In February
APIs, the sector will be rotated in pngs for different bilateral sizes, if
specifies the use.
3) Who can effectively use the Attribute Width/Height and what is the difference between it and viewportWidth/Height?
This results from the way in which the area around your sector is spoiled again, that is to say. The
can be used to modify the working force of the Vektors inside the observation window, to make the
Vektor into a standard field, to weld some parts of the
Vektors outside the observation window, usw. Normally it is simply set to the same size
Solution No 5:
I solve my problem by simply going beyond the scope of the sector. An art resource has been identified from the outset:
I have also changed it to Type 150dp (ImageView Größe in Layout with this industry source):
It works for me.
Solution No 6:
I tried, but the leader didn’t do anything.
I’m trying to fitXY in ImageView, I’m trying to use my app: srcCompatible, but I can’t use it once.
, but I have found a way to do this:
that set up Option Drawable as Hintergrund der ImageView.
If the ImageView is wrongly dimensioned, the drawable will be stretched. They must use it in the Lollipop-Vorschauen or an art of PercentRelativeLayout.
I hoffe, das hilft.
Solution No 7:
Zuerst: svg zum Rendern import : ((
1Klick Sie met der rechten Maustaste a op den Bildmaterial-Ordner en wählen Sie Neu -> Vektor-Asset.
2- Asset Vector Studio bietet die Wahl zwischen eingebauten
-Materialsymbols oder Ihrer eigenen lokalen svg-Datei. They can exceed the standard size of
for bedding.
Swedish: Wenn Sie Unterstützung von Android API 7+ erhalten müssen Sie den Eintrag Android Support Library ((
1- hinzufügen
vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true
in Ihre build.gradle-Datei ein.
2- Pamper Namespace in Layouts with imageView:
Drittens: imageView mit android:scaleType=fitXY set and app:srcCompatible pamper
Viertens: If you wish to install the Java code in Java, you must use a very small amount of hygenic material.
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
Solution No 8:
For me it was the basis for the conversion of sectors in png das Attribut android:fillType=even if necessary in my Vektorgrafiken. If I took all of this attribute from my point of view (for this purpose, the Standard No-Null Model was used in the sector), everything was in order in the near future.
Fell Glück!
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